Wednesday, February 12, 2014

So My Grandma Just Called...

My Grandma is 80 years old and has mild dementia.
She is also THE most adorable person I know.

She just called me to tell me that there was a 5Oth Anniversary Special about The Beatles on TV.
She said "You know your dad used to listen to those Beatles. I never much cared for them back then, but Im watching this special and you know... Thats some pretty good music!!!"

So adorable.

I love my Grandma.

Monday, February 10, 2014

A Formal Introduction.

Oh hey there.
Im GTO. Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis.
Currently 20 years old. Daughter of a blogger. (XO)

Sometimes I think things that are too taboo for facebook and too many characters for Twitter so here I am.

Quick overview.
- Athiest
- Liberal 

- Total weirdo
- Mommy issues
- Daddy's girl
- Kanye West enthusiast

I'll post things when I think things.

Any questions so far?